Role of the Prostate Gland in Male Urinary Health

September 5, 2024

The prostate gland plays a crucial role in male reproductive and urinary health. Positioned just below the bladder and surrounding the urethra, this walnut-sized gland is responsible for producing seminal fluid, a key component of semen. Its position and size, however, make it central not just to reproductive health but also to urinary function.

As men age, the prostate gland tends to enlarge, often leading to urinary complications. Understanding the importance of the prostate and its impact on urinary health can help men recognize early signs of prostate issues and seek timely medical advice, particularly from specialist urologists in Dubai.

The Prostate Gland: An Overview

The prostate is an integral part of the male reproductive system, but it also plays a significant role in urinary health. Situated below the bladder, it encircles the urethra, the tube responsible for carrying urine out of the body. Its main function is to produce and secrete a fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. This fluid makes up the majority of semen and is crucial for fertility. However, because of its anatomical position, any enlargement of the prostate can directly affect urinary function.

For most of a man’s life, the prostate remains relatively small. However, as men approach middle age, the gland typically begins to enlarge – a condition known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), or simply, an enlarged prostate. While BPH is not cancerous, it can cause a range of urinary problems that can impact quality of life.

Enlarged Prostate and Its Impact on Urinary Health

An enlarged prostate can lead to a condition known as lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), which include frequent urination, urgency, a weak urinary stream, difficulty starting urination, and even a sensation of incomplete bladder emptying. This occurs because the enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra, making it difficult for urine to flow freely. In some cases, severe enlargement can lead to urinary retention, where the bladder is unable to fully empty itself, leading to infections, bladder stones, and in extreme cases, kidney damage.

As men age, their risk of developing an enlarged prostate increases significantly. Studies show that by the age of 60, about half of men will have some degree of BPH, and by age 85, up to 90% of men are affected. While not all men with an enlarged prostate will experience severe symptoms, those who do often find the condition debilitating. Seeking the advice of a urologist in Dubai, particularly for early diagnosis and management, can help mitigate these symptoms and prevent complications.

Diagnosing Prostate-Related Urinary Issues

When men experience urinary issues, it is essential to consult a urologist for a proper diagnosis. The diagnostic process typically begins with a detailed medical history and a physical examination, which may include a digital rectal exam (DRE) to assess the size and texture of the prostate. Additionally, tests such as a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test can help assess whether prostate enlargement or another prostate issue, such as prostate cancer, might be causing the symptoms.

In more complex cases, imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI might be used to get a clearer picture of the prostate’s condition. Urodynamic testing, which assesses how well the bladder and urethra store and release urine, may also be recommended to further evaluate the severity of urinary issues.

Once a diagnosis is confirmed, treatment options are tailored to the individual’s symptoms and overall health. In mild cases, lifestyle changes and medications may be enough to alleviate symptoms, while more severe cases may require surgical intervention.

Treatment Options for Enlarged Prostate

For men with mild symptoms of an enlarged prostate, lifestyle adjustments can be effective in managing urinary health. These may include reducing fluid intake in the evening to avoid nighttime urination, limiting caffeine and alcohol (which can irritate the bladder), and performing bladder training exercises to strengthen bladder control. Medications, such as alpha-blockers, are also commonly prescribed to relax the muscles in the prostate and bladder, helping improve urine flow. Other drugs, such as 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, can shrink the prostate over time and help prevent further enlargement.

In cases where medication does not provide sufficient relief, minimally invasive procedures or surgery may be recommended. These include procedures like transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), laser therapy, or newer techniques like UroLift, which lifts and holds the enlarged prostate tissue out of the way of the urethra. Consulting a urologist in Dubai ensures that patients receive the most up-to-date and effective treatments for their specific condition.

The Importance of Early Detection

One of the key factors in maintaining prostate and urinary health is early detection of problems. Men are often reluctant to discuss urinary issues with their doctors due to embarrassment or the misconception that such issues are just a part of aging. However, early intervention can prevent minor issues from becoming severe. Regular check-ups with a urologist, particularly after the age of 50, can catch conditions like BPH or prostate cancer in their early stages when they are most treatable.

Moreover, early diagnosis of prostate enlargement can significantly improve the effectiveness of treatment options and help avoid complications such as urinary retention, bladder infections, or kidney damage. Men experiencing frequent urination, difficulty starting or stopping urination, or a weak stream should consider these symptoms as a sign to consult a specialist.

Why Choose a Urologist in Dubai for Prostate Health?

In a city like Dubai, where healthcare is rapidly advancing, finding a specialist for prostate and urinary health is crucial for receiving the best care. Urologists in Dubai are equipped with the latest technologies and expertise to diagnose and treat prostate-related urinary problems. They understand the unique health concerns that men face as they age and provide personalized care to address each individual’s symptoms and health goals.

Whether dealing with an enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, or other urinary issues, a urologist’s role is indispensable in guiding men through their healthcare journey. From early detection and diagnosis to advanced treatments and post-surgical care, the expertise of a urologist in Dubai can make a significant difference in patient outcomes.


For men experiencing prostate-related urinary issues, seeking the expertise of a trusted urologist is critical. Dr. Mahesh Dhanjee, offers unmatched expertise in diagnosing and treating prostate conditions, including enlarged prostate and other urinary tract issues. With years of experience and a commitment to patient-centered care, Dr. Mahesh provides personalized treatment plans that prioritize each patient’s health and well-being.

What sets Dr. Mahesh apart is his dedication to utilizing the latest advancements in urology while maintaining a compassionate approach to care. His comprehensive understanding of prostate health, coupled with his ability to perform advanced surgical and non-surgical treatments, makes him a choice for men in Dubai seeking solutions for their prostate and urinary health. Whether you’re experiencing mild urinary discomfort or more severe symptoms, Dr. Mahesh is the go-to specialist for expert care and improved quality of life.