Explore New Frontiers in Male Infertility Treatment and Care

Dr. Mahesh, with his extensive experience in urology and reproductive health, offers a compassionate and expert approach to diagnosing and treating male infertility. This condition, characterised by the inability to produce healthy sperm, can be a source of distress for many men. However, the good news is that male infertility is typically very treatable.

Male infertility can stem from a variety of causes, ranging from genetic and developmental issues to factors related to lifestyle or environmental exposures.
These causes can affect sperm production, quality, and delivery, contributing to difficulties in achieving conception.
Dr. Mahesh’s approach begins with a thorough understanding of these potential causes, employing the latest diagnostic methods to identify the specific factors at play in each case.

Treatment for male infertility often involves a combination of surgery and medication. Surgical interventions can address physical obstructions or varicoceles (enlarged veins in the scrotum), which may be hindering sperm production or delivery. Medication, on the other hand, can be used to treat hormonal imbalances or other underlying conditions that might be contributing to infertility.

The rates of male infertility have become a growing concern, making it increasingly important for affected individuals to seek specialised care. Dr. Mahesh stays abreast of the latest research and advancements in male infertility treatment, ensuring that his patients receive the most effective and up-to-date therapies.

Dr. Mahesh, with his extensive experience in urology and reproductive health, offers a compassionate and expert approach to diagnosing and treating male infertility. This condition, characterised by the inability to produce healthy sperm, can be a source of distress for many men. However, the good news is that male infertility is typically very treatable.

Male infertility can stem from a variety of causes, ranging from genetic and developmental issues to factors related to lifestyle or environmental exposures.
These causes can affect sperm production, quality, and delivery, contributing to difficulties in achieving conception.
Dr. Mahesh’s approach begins with a thorough understanding of these potential causes, employing the latest diagnostic methods to identify the specific factors at play in each case.

Treatment for male infertility often involves a combination of surgery and medication. Surgical interventions can address physical obstructions or varicoceles (enlarged veins in the scrotum), which may be hindering sperm production or delivery. Medication, on the other hand, can be used to treat hormonal imbalances or other underlying conditions that might be contributing to infertility.

The rates of male infertility have become a growing concern, making it increasingly important for affected individuals to seek specialised care. Dr. Mahesh stays abreast of the latest research and advancements in male infertility treatment, ensuring that his patients receive the most effective and up-to-date therapies.


Causes and Risk Factors

Male infertility can stem from a myriad of causes, each with its unique impact on a man’s reproductive health. Dr. Mahesh meticulously evaluates these factors to provide a tailored treatment plan for each individual. 

One significant cause is the exposure to toxic substances, including chemotherapy or radiation, which can adversely affect sperm production and quality. Physical problems with the testicles, such as varicoceles or injuries, are also common contributors to infertility.

Infections and high fever can temporarily or permanently impact sperm production and function. Similarly, prostate surgery, often necessary for other medical conditions, can sometimes lead to complications affecting fertility. Low sperm production, a critical factor in male infertility, can be due to various reasons ranging from hormonal imbalances to lifestyle factors.

Frequent alcohol and drug use is another important consideration, as these substances can significantly reduce sperm count and quality. Dr. Mahesh emphasises the importance of addressing these lifestyle factors as part of a comprehensive treatment approach.

Testicular cancer, while being a serious health concern on its own, can also have implications for fertility. Treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiation, can affect sperm production, making it essential to consider fertility preservation options when possible.

Ejaculatory disturbances, including premature ejaculation or retrograde ejaculation, can hinder the natural process of conception. Additionally, genetic or chromosomal conditions, such as Klinefelter syndrome or Y chromosome microdeletions, are key factors that Dr. Mahesh investigates during his diagnostic process.

Understanding that each case of male infertility is unique, Dr. Mahesh stays updated with the latest developments in male infertility treatment. Whether it’s employing advanced techniques to enhance sperm production, recommending lifestyle changes, or exploring assisted reproductive technologies, his approach is always personalised and patient-centric.

Diagnosis and Approach

The evaluation process for male infertility begins with a complete history and physical examination. This foundational step allows Dr. Mahesh to gain a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s overall health, lifestyle, and any potential factors that could be contributing to infertility. A thorough medical history can reveal crucial insights into possible genetic, hormonal, or environmental factors affecting fertility.

One of the key tests in this evaluation is a urinalysis. This simple yet informative test measures protein and sugar levels in the urine. Abnormal levels can be indicative of underlying health issues such as diabetes or kidney disease, which can have implications for fertility. Understanding these underlying conditions is vital in formulating an effective treatment plan.

A semen analysis is another fundamental test in diagnosing male infertility. This test evaluates the amount of semen produced and assesses the number and quality of sperm. Parameters such as sperm count, motility (movement), and morphology (shape) are crucial in determining a man’s fertility status. The results of this analysis provide Dr. Mahesh with valuable information to identify specific types of male infertility and guide treatment decisions.

If the semen analysis results are abnormal, further investigation is often needed. Blood tests are conducted to gauge hormone levels, as hormonal imbalances can significantly impact sperm production and quality. Hormones like testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) play key roles in the reproductive system, and their levels can provide insights into various causes of infertility.

In some cases, a testicular biopsy may be necessary. This surgical procedure involves removing small tissue samples from the testicles and examining them under a microscope. It’s particularly useful in determining the presence of sperm production and in checking for cancerous cells. While more invasive than other tests, it can provide critical information, especially in cases where the cause of infertility is not clear from other assessments.


Care and Treatment

In addressing the sensitive and complex issue of male infertility, Dr. Mahesh offers a compassionate and comprehensive treatment approach, encompassing the full spectrum of available options. He understands that each case of infertility is unique, requiring personalised attention and care. His treatment strategies for male infertility are categorised into three main areas: medication, surgery, and assisted reproduction techniques, each tailored to the individual’s specific needs and circumstances.

Medication: For a subset of men, male infertility issues stem from hormonal imbalances or other conditions that can be effectively managed with medication. Dr. Mahesh carefully evaluates whether medication alone can address the underlying cause of infertility, such as issues with sperm production or erectile dysfunction. Medications can include hormone replacement therapy or other drugs aimed at improving hormonal levels and sperm health. This non-invasive treatment option is often the first line of approach for men whose infertility may be resolved through pharmaceutical intervention.

Surgery: Surgery is a pivotal treatment option for many patients with infertility issues, particularly when physical obstructions or varicoceles are present. Dr. Mahesh is skilled in various surgical techniques that can significantly improve the chances of conception. These procedures range from simple corrective surgeries to more complex interventions, all performed with the utmost care and precision. The goal is to restore or enhance fertility by addressing structural problems that impede sperm production or delivery.

Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART): In cases where medication or surgery alone does not suffice, Dr. Mahesh collaborates closely with gynaecologists or reproductive endocrinologists to explore assisted reproduction techniques. ART encompasses a range of methods, including Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), often combined with Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) when necessary. These techniques involve handling and manipulating sperm and eggs outside the body to facilitate conception. Dr. Mahesh ensures that his patients are well-informed about these processes and works in tandem with fertility specialists to optimise the chances of successful pregnancy.

Throughout the treatment journey, Dr. Mahesh remains attentive to the emotional and psychological impact of infertility on his patients. He provides not only medical expertise but also support and guidance, helping couples navigate the often challenging path towards achieving their family-building goals.


Dr. Mahesh recognizes the emotional weight that concerns about fertility can carry and is committed to providing a patient-centred experience. Each patient receives a thorough diagnostic examination, a critical first step in understanding the unique causes of their infertility. This examination is comprehensive, incorporating a review of medical history, physical evaluations, and appropriate tests that may include semen analysis, hormonal assessments, and other specialised procedures to pinpoint the exact nature of the fertility issue.

Dr. Mahesh’s treatment approach is grounded in the latest clinical research and leverages the most advanced technologies and methods available. His expertise spans a wide array of male infertility treatments, from medication to address hormonal imbalances and other underlying conditions, to surgical interventions for structural issues. He also collaborates with experts in assisted reproductive techniques when these methods are the best course of action. Whether addressing issues related to low sperm count, erectile dysfunction, or hormonal imbalances, his goal is always to enhance his patients’ chances of successful conception.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can diabetes cause infertility in males?

Yes, diabetes can potentially cause infertility in males by affecting sperm quality, erectile function, and hormone levels.

How to treat male infertility naturally?

Natural treatments include maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol, and managing stress.

How common is male infertility?

Male infertility affects about 9% of all men.

How to know if a male is infertile?

Indicators include difficulty conceiving, problems with sexual function, pain or swelling in the testicles, and hormonal imbalances.

What are 4 causes of male infertility?

Common causes include varicoceles, hormonal imbalances, lifestyle factors like smoking or obesity, and issues with sperm production or function.

Can infertility be cured in males?

It depends on the cause; some forms are treatable, while others are more challenging to address.

How does a man know if he's infertile?

A diagnosis usually involves semen analysis, medical history, and physical examinations.

What are signs of unhealthy sperm?

Signs include low sperm count, poor sperm motility (movement), and abnormal sperm morphology (shape).

What can be done for male infertility?

Treatments vary, including lifestyle changes, medication, hormone treatments, or assisted reproductive technologies like IVF.